Gary Webb, a.k.a. Gary Numan, saab täna 67! Soliidne iga. Aga mis see
ühele fännile loeb. Mäletan, et juulis 1996 ostsin oma esimese CD plaadi – Gary
Numani „Greatest Hits“ – ja lubasin endale, et hakkan edaspidi
kollektsioneerima üksnes väga häid artiste.
On kolm Gary Numani lugu, mis mõjusid nagu kirvehoop ajju ja mida ma
võin kuulata aegade lõpuni, ilma tüdimuseta. 1979. aastal võisid need kõlada justkui
importkaup teiselt planeedilt, omast ajast ees, aga ka tänasel päeval mõjuvad need
massiivsed analoogsüntesaatori helid kuidagi ebamaisena... ja düstoopilisena. Thank
You for the music, Gary!
Siin on mu kolm lemmikut. To be played at maximum your car!
poodu majas nöörist ei räägita, kuid nagu teatab poolakate TVP, siis on
ühes Venemaa nurgakeses võimudel tänavu sõduriemadele, kelle pojad on
Ukrainas surma saanud, eriliselt kongeniaalne kingitus naistepäevaks.
Elektrooniline hakklihamasin!! Мясорубка!!
Lahkunud on kitarrist Brian James, kes asutas koos Dave Vaniani, Captain
Sensible’i ja Rat Scabies'iga esimese punkbändi Inglismaal. The
Damned.Sest nende esiksingel „New Rose“
ilmus viis nädalat enne Sex Pistolsi debüüti „Anarchy in the UK“ – 22.
oktoobril 1976.
Lugu „New Rose“ mõjub täna sama rajult kui toona, pea 50 aastat tagasi.
Mõtelge, see on kirjutatud poole sajandi eest ja evib siiani testosterooni. Tõeline
Trump pidas Kongressis pika aastakõne – väidetavalt olla see olnud
pikim omasuguste seas. Eelnevalt lubas Trump selles kõnes kõik ausalt ja otse
ära rääkida, või nagu ta esmaspäeval TruthSociali kontol kuulutas: "TOMORROW
NIGHT WILL BE BIG. I WILL TELL IT LIKE IT IS."Sõnum televaatajaile: pange popkorn valmis,
tuleb jälle üks suurepärane teleśõu.
Suuri üllatusi ega uusi sõnumeid ta seekord ei pakkunud, tõdeb meedia
konsensuslikult. Trump kiitis ennast, oma administratsiooni, kirus Joe Bidenit
ja tema administratsiooni, rääkis Ameerika unelma reanimeerimisest ning heitis
tervele maailmale ette ameeriklaste kulul elamist. Guess what... America is back, we are just getting started.
Demokraadid said oma osa. "Ma vaatan enda ees olevaid demokraate
ja mõistan, et mul pole absoluutselt midagi öelda, mis teeks nad
õnnelikuks," rääkis Trump.
Vabariiklased vastasid presidendi kõnele pidevalt aplodeerides. See
tuleb tuttav ette. Pravda kirjutas omal ajal ka, et L. Breźnevi kõne
katkestasid kestvad ovatsioonid, tormilised aplausid (бурные аплодисменты). Keegi tähelepanelik inimene luges ära, et
asepresident JD Vance ja eesistuja Mike Johnson tõusid kõne jooksul
aplodeerimiseks püsti 327 (!) korda. Faktikontrolli sellele kurioosumile, tõsi, pole ma teinud, aga tihti tõust püsti küll.
Seevastu demokraadid manasid ette sünged või ükskõiksed näod. Üks
kongresmen, Texase demokraat Al Green, hõikas vahele, et presidendil ei ole mandaati. Tal kästi
saalist lahkuda.
"Inimesed valisid mind seda tööd tegema ja ma teen seda,"
ütles Trump.
Kõne kestis üle poolteise tunni. Kui nüüd meedia ütleb, et seal polnud
midagi uut ja huvitavat, siis ilmselt on põhjus selles, et Trump on juba kõik
ette ära spoilinud. See kõne sisaldas kõiki trumpilikke elemente, alates kehakeelest
ja teatraalsetest źestidest kuni selliste väidete väidete väljatoomiseni, mis
nõuavad kohest faktikontrolli. Või nagu Delfi juba ette sedastas, et küllap
saab naerda ja nutta (vt Delfi blogi).
Saigi. Mis näitab et Trump on ühest küljest ettearvamatu
nagu mustlase püss, teisalt aga vägagi etteaimatav oma maneeride ja tonaalsuse
poolest. Kõige lihtsam ongi siis eeldada, et Trump teeb Trumpi, kuna Trump on
Trump. It is what it is. Üllatus olnuks, kui Trump öelnuks Bideni kohta mõne
hea sõna. Seda ei juhtunud.
Tunnustan siinkohal CNNi, kes avaldas kõne täispika transkriptsiooni
ning laskis seda kommenteerida poliitika- ja juura asjatundjatel. Ma kopeerin
selle siinkohal samuti täies mahus, et Trump 2.0 olemus selgemaks saaks ja
nägemisraadiusesse jääks. See oleks siis justkui põhiseaduse lugemine
kommenteeritud väljaandest. Sest kuigi Trump väljendab end üsna lihtsalt ja
reljeefselt, ilma lingvistiliste hookus-pookusteta, siis ometi tundub, et nii
lihtsad need asjad olla ei saa. Et kus on konks?
Siin tulebki CNN appi paluda. Selguse mõttes jätan teksti inglise
keelde. Esmalt Trump ise ja siis kommentaar:
Thank you very much. Thank you very much. It's
a great honor. Thank you very much.
Speaker Johnson, Vice President Vance, the first lady of the United States, the
members of the United States Congress. Thank you very much. And to my fellow
citizens, America is back.
Johnson and Vance behind Trump are a visual
representation of the hold Republicans have on Washington. Their House and
Senate majorities are small, but they control every branch of power at the
Six weeks ago, I stood beneath the dome of this
Capitol and proclaimed the dawn of the golden age of America. From that moment
on, it has been nothing but swift and
unrelenting action to usher in the greatest and most successful era in the
history of our country.
It sure has been swift and unrelenting. Agree
with it or not, but Trump, working with Elon Musk at his Department of
Government Efficiency, has set the pace to completely remake the US government and
redefine the place of the US in the world order.
We have accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations
accomplished in four years, or eight years, and we are just getting started.
Trump will always say he’s accomplished more
than anyone. He’s got a way to go to catch presidents like FDR.
I return to this chamber tonight to report that
America's momentum is back. Our spirit is back, our pride is back, our
confidence is back, and the American dream is surging bigger and better than
ever before.
The American dream is unstoppable, and our
country is on the verge of a comeback the likes of which the world has never
witnessed and perhaps will never witness again. There's never been anything
like it.
The presidential election of November 5 was a mandate like has not been seen in many
decades. We won all seven swing states, giving us an electoral college
victory of 312 votes.
He can claim a mandate, having won the popular
vote, but it’s by no means historic. Rep. Al Green rose to yell at Trump when
he said this and was shouted down by Republicans yelling “USA.”
We won the popular vote by big numbers and won
counties in our country 2,700 to 525 — on a map that reads almost completely
red for Republican.
Now, for the first time in modern history, more Americans believe that our country
is headed in the right direction than the wrong direction. In fact, it's an
astonishing record: 27-point swing — the most ever.
Actually, a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS and
released this week found that just 39% of Americans said the country was moving
in the right direction, compared with 45% who said it was moving in the wrong
direction. That’s a drop from when Trump started his first term.
Likewise, small-business
optimism saw its single largest one-month gain ever recorded, a 41-point
From CNN’s Daniel Dale: This claim needs
context. If Trump was referring to the commonly cited NFIB Small Business
Optimism Index, his claim about a 41-point increase appears to be a reference
to one component — the percentage of small-business owners expecting the
economy to improve. That measure did soar a net 41 percentage points from
pre-election October to post-election November. Trump didn’t mention that the
total index then declined in January, to a level that is still high but lower
than it was under Trump in September 2020 and October 2020 — less than five
years ago.
[interruption, Texas Rep. Al Green removed from chamber]
Johnson warns Rep. Green by name before the
sergeant at arms walks down the aisle and escorts him out of the chamber.
Green, by the way, was among the first lawmakers calling for Trump’s
impeachment during his first term, and has again called for Trump to be
impeached even though he just recently took office.
Over the past six weeks, I have signed nearly
100 executive orders and taken more than 400 executive actions — a record — to
restore common sense, safety, optimism and wealth all across our wonderful
land. The people elected me to do the job, and I'm doing it.
In fact, it has been stated by many that the
first month of our presidency — it's our presidency — is the most successful in
the history of our nation. And what makes it even more impressive is that, do you know No. 2 is? George Washington.
How about that? I don't know about that list. But we'll take it.
It’s not clear who stated Trump’s presidency
has been second only to George Washington’s in terms of success. Trump has now
said it. He’s compared himself to George Washington before.
Within hours of taking the oath of office, I
declared a national emergency on our southern border, and I deployed the US
military and border patrol to repel the invasion of our country. And what a job
they've done. As a result, illegal
border crossings last month were by far the lowest ever recorded. Ever.
From CNN’s Daniel Dale and Devan Cole: Trump
claimed that, since taking office again, he has already achieved the lowest
number of illegal border crossings “ever recorded.” That’s false. He could have
accurately said the number of Border Patrol apprehensions at the southern border
in February — the first full month of his second term — is the lowest in many
decades, at least if it’s true that the number was 8,326, as he claimed on
social media before the speech. But official federal statistics show there were
fewer Border Patrol encounters with migrants at the southwest border in some of
the months of the early 1960s.
They heard my words and they chose not to come
— much easier that way. In comparison, under Joe Biden, the worst president in
American history, there were hundreds of thousands of illegal crossings a
month, and virtually all of them, including murderers, drug dealers, gang
members and people from mental
institutions and insane asylums, were released into our country. Who would
want to do that?
From CNN’s Daniel Dale and Haley Britzky: There
is no evidence for the president’s claim, which Trump’s own presidential
campaign was unable to corroborate. (The campaign was unable to provide any
evidence even for his narrower claim that South American countries in particular
were emptying their mental health facilities to somehow dump patients upon the
This is my fifth such speech to Congress, and
once again, I looked at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or
to make them stand or smile or applaud — nothing I can do.
As Trump says Democrats will never stand and
applaud him, cameras show some of them holding small signs that say things
like, “Musk steals” and “false.”
I could find a cure to the most devastating
disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations, or announce the answers
to the greatest economy in history, or the stoppage of crime to the lowest
levels ever recorded. And these people sitting right here will not clap, will
not stand and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements.
They won't do it no matter what. Five times I've been up here. It's very sad, and it just shouldn't be
this way.
So Democrats sitting before me, for just this one night, why not join
us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America. For the good of our nation, let's
work together, and let's truly make America great again.
A hallmark of Trump’s politics is that whenever
he is in charge, he says things are great. And whenever Democrats are in
charge, he says they are horrible.
Every day, my administration is fighting to
deliver the change America needs, to bring a future that America deserves, and
we're doing it. This is a time for big dreams and bold action. Upon taking
office, I imposed an immediate freeze on all federal hiring, a freeze on all
new federal regulations and a freeze on all foreign aid.
I terminated the ridiculous green new scam. I
withdrew from the unfair Paris Climate
Accord, which was costing us trillions of dollars that other countries were
not paying. I withdrew from the corrupt
World Health Organization. And I also withdrew from the anti-American UN Human
Rights Council.
From CNN’s Ella Nilsen: This claim is
inaccurate. Former President Joe Biden pledged to pay $11.4 billion per year
toward international climate financing upon taking office. However, the US
contribution to a global finance goal ended up being far lower because Congress
appropriated less money than Biden’s goal. Biden’s State Department announced
it had allocated $5.8 billion to international climate finance by 2022. US
climate finance contributions have never reached trillions of dollars.
Trump did indeed remove the US from
international agreements and groups. He also removed the US from the Paris
Climate Agreement during his first term. But Biden put the US back in.
We ended all of Biden's environmental
restrictions that were making our country far less safe and totally
unaffordable. And, importantly, we ended
the last administration's insane electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto
workers and companies from economic destruction.
From CNN’s Bryan Mena: There has never been a
federal mandate prohibiting Americans from buying gasoline-powered cars, which
he claimed existed in his inaugural address. During the Biden administration,
legislation was passed to support electric vehicles. Trump signed an executive
order shortly after taking office in January seeking to reverse that. However,
eliminating those policies may require congressional action.
To unshackle our economy, I have directed that
for every one new regulation, 10 old regulations must be eliminated, just like
I did in my very successful first term. And in that first term, we set records
on ending unnecessary rules and regulations like no other president had done
We ordered all federal workers to return to the office. They will either show up for work in person
or be removed from their job.
More than half of federal workers were already
working from the office full- or part-time when Trump took office, but his
requirement has been cited as an effort to cull the federal workforce.
And we've ended weaponized government, where,
as an example, a sitting president is allowed to viciously prosecute his political opponent, like me. How did that
work out? Not too good. Not too good.
From CNN’s Daniel Dale and Devan Cole: That’s
false. Trump’s two federal indictments were brought by a special counsel, Jack
Smith. Smith was appointed in November 2022 by Attorney General Merrick
Garland, a Biden appointee — but that is not proof that Biden was involved in
the prosecution effort, much less that Biden personally ordered the
And I've stopped all government censorship and
brought back free speech in America. It's back.
And two days ago, I signed an order making English the official language of the United
States of America.
The English as a national language and Gulf of
America efforts can be tied together with a very clear racial overtone.
I renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. And likewise, I renamed,
for a great president, William McKinley, Mount McKinley, again. Beautiful
Alaska, we love Alaska.
We've ended the tyranny of so-called diversity,
equity and inclusion policies all across the entire federal government, and
indeed the private sector, and our military.
And our country will be woke no longer.
The anti-diversity initiatives are visible in
the chamber. Trump removed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q.
Brown, a Black man; and Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth fired Admiral Lisa Franchetti,
the chief of the Navy and first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs, whom
Hegseth had described as a “DEI hire.”
We believe that whether you are a doctor, an
accountant, a lawyer or an air traffic controller, you should be hired and
promoted based on skill and competence, not race or gender. Very important.
You should be hired based on merit, and the
Supreme Court, in a brave and very powerful decision has allowed us to do so.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
We have removed the poison of critical race
theory from our public schools and I signed an order making it the official
policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male
and female.
I also signed an executive order to ban men
from playing in women's sports.
Three years ago, Payton McNabb was an all-star
high school athlete — one of the best — preparing for a future in college
sports. But when her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a male, he smashed
the ball so hard in Payton's face, causing traumatic brain injury, partially
paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career. It was a shot like
she's never seen before. She's never seen anything like it. Payton is here
tonight in the gallery, and Peyton, from now on, schools will kick the men off
the girls’ team or they will lose all federal funding.
And if you really want to see numbers, just
take a look at what happened in the women's boxing, weightlifting, track and
field, swimming or cycling, where a male recently finished a long distance race
five hours and 14 minutes ahead of a woman for a new record by five hours.
Broke the record by five hours. It's demeaning for women, and it's very bad for
our country. We're not going to put up with it any longer.
What I've just described is only a small
fraction of the common sense revolution
that is now, because of us, sweeping the entire world. Common sense has become a common theme, and we will never go back.
Never, ever going to let that happen.
As CNN’s John King said, “’Common sense’ is a
Trump term for what others would call culture war: English as the official
language, Gulf of America, Mount McKinley, transgender issues and so on. It
plays well with his base, but those issues don't lower prices at the grocery
store, so when he got there ... it is all blame Biden.”
Among my very highest priorities is to rescue our economy and get
dramatic and immediate relief to working families. As you know, we inherited from the last
administration an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare.
Trump may soon face criticism over inflation.
The price of eggs has risen, in part because of avian flu, and he has imposed
tariffs on goods from Mexico, Canada and China.
Their policies drove up energy prices, pushed
up grocery costs and drove the necessities of life out of reach for millions
and millions of Americans — they've never had anything like it.
We suffered the worst inflation in 48 years,
but perhaps even in the history of our country — they're not sure. As
president, I'm fighting every day to reverse this damage and make America
affordable again.
Joe Biden, especially, let the price of eggs get out of control. The egg price is out of control, and we're
working hard to get it back down.
From CNN’s Piper Hudspeth Blackburn, Elisabeth
Buchwald and Vanessa Yurkevich: The avian flu has caused egg prices to rise
because the United States Department of Agriculture requires the culling of
entire flocks to stop the spread if the virus is detected. It’s a practice that
occurred during the Biden administration, but also one that is continuing under
Trump as the virus continues to infect flocks nationwide. When Biden took
office, the average price of a carton of a dozen grade A eggs across US cities
was $1.47, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. By the time Biden left
office in January, a carton of eggs cost $4.95 on average, a 2.7% increase from
a year prior. Due to short supply, egg prices are projected to increase by
41.1% this year, according to the USDA’s food outlook as of February 25.
Secretary, do a good job on that. You inherited
a total mess from the previous administration. Do a good job.
A major focus of our fight to defeat inflation
is rapidly reducing the cost of energy. The previous administration cut the
number of new oil and gas leases by 95 percent, slowed pipeline construction to
a halt and closed more than 100 power plants. We are opening up many of those
power plants right now.
And frankly, we have never seen anything like
it. That's why, on my first day in office, I declared a national energy
As you've heard me say many times, we have more
liquid gold under our feet than any nation on earth, by far. And now I've fully
authorized the most talented team ever assembled to go and get it. It's called drill, baby, drill.
All oil is not the same. CNN’s Ella Nilsen and
Amy O’Kruk explained in a recent story how much of what the US can get at home
might not help lower gas prices.
My administration is also working on a gigantic
natural gas pipeline in Alaska — among the largest in the world — where Japan,
South Korea and other nations want to be our partner with investments of
trillions of dollars each. There's never been anything like that one. It will
be truly spectacular. It's all set to go, the permitting is gotten. And later
this week, I will also take historic action to dramatically expand production
of critical minerals and rare earths here in the USA.
To further combat inflation, we will not only
be reducing the cost of energy, but will be ending the flagrant waste of
taxpayer dollars.
And to that end, I have created the brand-new
Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE. Perhaps you've heard of it. Perhaps.
Which is headed
by Elon Musk, who is in the gallery tonight. Thank you Elon, you're working
very hard. He didn't need this. He didn't need this. Thank you very much. We
appreciate it.
Is DOGE headed by Elon Musk? There have been
conflicting reports.
Everybody here, even this side, appreciates it, I believe. They just
don't want to admit that.
Democrats have been criticized by Trump and
others for not embracing Musk’s cuts, which Republicans describe as eliminating
waste and fraud. But Democrats have also not been included in the process.
Just listen to some of the appalling waste we
have already identified. $22 billion from HHS to provide free housing and cars
for illegal aliens. $45 million for diversity, equity and inclusion
scholarships in Burma. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion
of sedentary migrants. Nobody knows what that is. $8 million to promote LGBTQI+
in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of. $60 million
for indigenous peoples and Afro Colombian empowerment in Central America — $60
million. $8 million for making mice
transgender. This is real. $32 million for a left-wing propaganda operation
in Moldova. $10 million for male circumcision in Mozambique. $20 million for
the Arab Sesame Street in the Middle East. It's a program — $20 million for a
program. $1.9 billion to recently created decarbonization of homes committee
headed up — and we know she's involved — just at the last moment, the money was
passed over — by a woman named Stacey Abrams. Have you ever heard of her?
From CNN’s Deidre McPhillips: Trump’s claim is
false. Between the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years, the National Institutes of
Health awarded a total of $477,121 to three projects that involved
administering feminizing hormone therapy to monkeys to understand how it may
affect their immune system and make them more susceptible to HIV. It’s not
clear where the $8 million figure came from or why Trump referenced studies in
mice instead of monkeys.
A $3.5 million consulting contract for lavish
fish monitoring. $1.5 million for voter confidence in Liberia, $14 million for social cohesion in Mali.
$59 million for illegal alien hotel rooms in New York City.
It has been difficult to confirm the details on
many of these programs. DOGE has a very simple website that is not much more
than a version of the group’s feed on Musk’s X social media platform.
$250 thousand to increase vegan local climate
action innovation in Zambia. $42 million for social and behavior change in
Uganda. $14 million for improving public
procurement in Serbia. $47 million for improving learning outcomes in Asia. Asia
is doing very well with learning. Know what we're doing, we should use it
Most of what Trump mentioned is spending on
foreign aid, although it is a fraction — around 1% — of the annual budget.
And $101 million for DEI contracts at the
Department of Education — the most ever paid, nothing even like it.
Under the Trump administration, all of these
scams — and there are far worse, but I didn't think it was appropriate to talk
about them, they're so bad. Many more have been found out and exposed and
swiftly terminated by a group of very intelligent, mostly young people, headed
up by Elon We appreciate it. We found
hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud.
From CNN’s Casey Tolan: This figure, which is
uncorroborated, needs context. Musk and other Trump allies have claimed DOGE’s
work is aimed at targeting waste, fraud and abuse. But DOGE has not released
evidence that the contracts it has canceled were fraudulent. And at least some
of the cuts have been reversed amid criticism.
And we've taken back the money and reduced our
debt to fight inflation and other things. Taking back a lot of that money, we
got it just in time. This is just the beginning. The Government Accountability Office, a federal government office, has
estimated annual fraud of over $500 million in our nation, and we are
working very hard to stop it. We're going to.
Here’s that GAO report. It’s a little more
complicated than Trump suggests. There are distinct concepts — “improper
payments” and “fraud” — that need to be considered.
We're also identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable
fraud in the Social Security program for our seniors, and that our seniors and
people that we love rely on. Believe it or not, government databases list 4.7
million Social Security numbers from
people aged 100 to 109 years old.
From CNN’s Tami Luhby and Daniel Dale: The vast
majority of these people do not have dates of death listed in Social Security’s
database. But that doesn’t mean they are actually receiving monthly benefits.
Public data from the Social Security Administration shows that about 89,000
people age 99 or over were receiving Social Security benefits in December 2024,
not even close to the millions Trump invoked.
It lists 3.6 million people from ages 110 to
119. I don't know any of them. I know some people that are rather elderly, but
not quite that elderly. 3.47 million people from ages 120 to 129. 3.9 million
people from ages 130 to 139. 3.5 million people from ages 140 to 149, and money
is being paid to many of them, and we're
searching right now. In fact, Pam, good luck, good luck. You're going to find
Trump has promised not to cut Social Security,
but clearly feels that eliminating fraud is not a cut. He will need to prove
there is fraud, and he’s asking Attorney General Pam Bondi to prosecute some
But a lot of money is paid out to people,
because it just keeps getting paid and paid, and nobody does, and it really
hurts Social Security. It hurts our country. 1.3 million people from ages 150
to 159, and over 130,000 people, according to the Social Security databases,
are age over 160 years old. We have a healthier country than I thought, Bobby.
Including, to finish, 1,039 people between the
ages of 220 and 229; one person between the age of 240 and 249; and one person
is listed at 360 years of age, more than 100 years — more than 100 years older
than our country. But we're gonna find out where that money's going, and it's
not going to be pretty.
By slashing all of the fraud, waste and theft
we can find, we will defeat inflation, bring down mortgage rates, lower car
payments and grocery prices, protect our seniors and put more money in the
pockets of American families.
And today, interest rates took a beautiful drop
— big, beautiful drop — it's about time. And in the near future, I want to do
what has not been done in 24 years: balance the federal budget — we're going to
balance it.
With that goal in mind, we have developed in
great detail what we are calling the gold card, which goes on sale very, very
soon. For $5 million we will allow the
most successful, job-creating people from all over the world to buy a path to
US citizenship. It's like the green card, but better and more
Trump made his political name promising mass
deportations of undocumented immigrants from mostly poor countries. Here he’s
inviting the wealthy to buy access to the US.
And these people will have to pay tax in our
country. They won't have to pay tax from where they came. The money that
they've made, you wouldn't want to do that, but they have to pay tax, create
They'll also be taking people out of colleges
and paying for them so that we can keep them in our country, instead of having
them being forced out — No. 1 at the top school, as an example — being forced
out and not being allowed to stay and create tremendous numbers of jobs and
great success for a company out there.
So while we take out the criminals, killers,
traffickers and child predators who are allowed to enter our country under the
open border policy of these people, the Democrats, the Biden administration —
the open border, insane policies that you've allowed to destroy our country —
we will now bring in brilliant, hard working job creating people. They're going
to pay a lot of money, and we're going to reduce our debt with that money.
Americans have given us a mandate for bold and
profound change. For nearly 100 years,
the federal bureaucracy has grown until it has crushed our freedoms,
ballooned our deficits and held back America's potential in every possible way.
The last president who oversaw a budget surplus
was Bill Clinton, who did it with major prodding from Republicans in Congress.
Recent annual budget deficits have been more than $1 trillion, although those
included emergency spending and Trump’s first-term tax cuts.
The nation founded by pioneers and risk-takers
now drowns under millions and millions of pages of regulations and debt.
Approvals that should take 10 days to get, instead take 10 years, 15 years and
even 20 years before you're rejected. Meanwhile, we have hundreds of thousands
of federal workers who have not been showing up to work. My administration will
reclaim power from this unaccountable bureaucracy, and we will restore true
democracy to America again.
And any federal bureaucrat who resists this
change will be removed from office immediately. Because we are draining the
swamp — it's very simple — and the days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are
And the next phase of our plan to deliver the
greatest economy in history is for this Congress to pass tax cuts for
everybody. They're in there. They're waiting for you to vote. And I'm sure that
the people on my right — I don't mean the Republican right, but my right right
here — I'm sure you're going to vote for those tax cuts, because otherwise I
don't believe the people will ever vote you into office, so I'm doing you a big
favor by telling you that. But I know this group is going to be voting for the
tax cut.
It's a very, very big part of our plan. We had
tremendous success in our first term with it — a very big part of our plan. We're seeking permanent income tax cuts all
across the board, and to get urgently needed relief to Americans hit especially
hard by inflation, I'm calling for no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no
tax on Social Security benefits for our great seniors.
One reason Trump needs to cut government
spending is to pay for these additional tax cuts he has promised.
And I also want to make interest payments on
car loans tax-deductible, but only if the car is made in America.
By the way, we're gonna have growth in the auto
industry like nobody's ever seen — plants are opening up all over the place,
deals are being made — never seen. That's a combination of the election win and
tariffs. It's a beautiful word, isn't it? That, along with our other policies,
will allow our auto industry to absolutely boom. It's going to boom. Spoke to
the majors today, all three, the top people, and they're so excited. In fact,
already, numerous car companies have announced that they will be building
massive automobile plants in America, with Honda
just announcing a new plant in Indiana, one of the largest anywhere in the
Honda announced it will produce the hybrid
Civic in Indiana in order to avoid Trump’s tariffs on Mexico, according to
And this has taken place since our great
victory on November 5, a date which will hopefully go down as one of the most
important in the history of our country.
In addition, as part of our tax cuts, we want
to cut taxes on domestic production and all manufacturing, and just as we did
before, we will provide 100% expensing. It will be retroactive to January 20,
2025, and it was one of the main reasons why our tax cuts were so successful in
our first term, giving us the most successful economy in the history of our
country. First term, we had a great first term.
If you don't make your product in America,
however, under the Trump administration,
you will pay a tariff, and in some cases a rather large one. Other
countries have used tariffs against us for decades, and now it's our turn to
start using them against those other countries.
During the campaign Trump frequently talked
about his love for the word tariff. Here he seems to be explaining it to
On average, the European Union, China, Brazil,
India, Mexico and Canada — have you heard of them? — and countless other nations
charge us tremendously higher tariffs than we charge them. It's very unfair.
India charges us auto tariffs higher than 100%. China's average tariff on our
products is twice what we charge them, and South Korea's average tariff is four
times higher. Think of that, four times higher — and we give so much help
militarily and so many other ways to South Korea. But that's what happens. This
is happening by friend and foe. The
system is not fair to the United States. It never was.
This is the meatiest portion of the speech so
far. Trump is trying to build support for his tariffs, which alarm many
Americans and also alarmed the stock market, which dropped this week.
And so on April 2 — I wanted to make it April
1, but I didn't want to be accused of April Fool's Day. That's what — that's
not — just one day was cost us a lot of money. But we're going to do it in April. I'm a very superstitious person. April
2, reciprocal tariffs kick in, and whatever they tariff us, other
countries, we will tariff them. That's reciprocal, back and forth. Whatever
they tax us, we will tax them.
Or, perhaps this means countries have a little
less than a month to negotiate.
If they do nonmonetary tariffs to keep us out
of their market, then we will do nonmonetary barriers to keep them out of our
market. There's a lot of that, too, they don't even allow us in their market. We will take in trillions and trillions of
dollars and create jobs like we have never seen before. I did it with
China, and I did it with others, and the Biden administration couldn't do
anything about it because it was so much money. They couldn't do anything about
it. We have been ripped off for decades by nearly every country on Earth, and
we will not let that happen any longer.
From CNN’s Daniel Dale and Tami Luhby: Trump’s
claim needs context. Tariffs are paid by US importers, not foreign exporters,
and it’s easy to find specific examples of companies that passed along the cost
of the tariffs to US consumers.
Much has been said over the last three months
about Mexico and Canada, but we have very large deficits with both of them. But
even more importantly, they've allowed fentanyl to come into our country at
levels never seen before, killing hundreds of thousands of our citizens and
many very young, beautiful people — destroying families. Nobody's ever seen
anything like it. They are, in effect, receiving subsidies of hundreds of
billions of dollars. We pay subsidies to Canada and to Mexico of hundreds of
billions of dollars, and the United States will not be doing that any longer.
We're not going to do it any longer.
Thanks to our America-first policies we're
putting into place, we have had $1.7 trillion of new investment in America in
just the past few weeks. The combination of the election and our economic
policies that people of SoftBank, one of the most brilliant anywhere in the
world, announced a $200 billion investment. OpenAI and Oracle — Larry Ellison —
announced $500 billion investment, which they wouldn't have done if Kamala had
won. Apple announced $500 billion investment — Tim Cook called me, he said, “I
cannot spend it fast enough.” It's going to be much higher than that, I
believe. They'll be building their plants here instead of in China. And just
yesterday, Taiwan Semiconductor, the biggest in the world, most powerful in the
world, has a tremendous amount — 97% — of the market, announced a $165 billion
investment to build the most powerful chips on Earth, right here in the USA.
And we're not giving them any money. Your CHIPS Act is a horrible, horrible thing.
We give hundreds of billions of dollars, and it doesn't mean a thing. They take
our money and they don't spend it. All that meant to them. We're giving them no
money. All that was important to them was they didn't want to pay the tariffs,
so they came and they're building, and many other companies are coming. We
don't have to give them money. We just want to protect our businesses and our
people. And they will come because they won’t have to pay tariffs if they build
in America. So it's very amazing. You should get rid of the CHIPS Act, and
whatever's left over, Mr. Speaker, you should use it to reduce debt, or any
other reason you want to.
The CHIPS Act, which was intended to build up a
domestic semiconductor industry, was passed with bipartisan majorities in the
House and Senate, and signed by Biden into law. Trump’s administration has been
working to cancel some contracts.
Our new trade policy will also be great for the American farmer — I love the
farmer — who will now be selling into our home market, the USA, because
nobody is going to be able to compete with you, because those goods that come
in from other countries and companies. They're really, really in a bad position
in so many different ways. They're uninspected. They may be very dirty and disgusting,
and they come in and they pour in and they hurt our American farmers.
Farmers — or people in rural America — are part
of Trump’s base of support. But they will be among those hurt most by his trade
The tariffs will go on agricultural product coming
into America and our farmers, starting on April 2 — it may be a little bit of an adjustment period. We had that before,
when I made the deal with China, $50 billion of purchases, and I said, just
bear with me. And they did. They did. Probably have to bear with me again, and
this will be even better. That was great. The problem with it was that Biden
didn't enforce it. He didn't enforce it. $50 billion of purchases, and we were
doing great, but Biden did not enforce it, and it hurt our farmers, but our
farmers are going to have a field day right now. So to our farmers, have a lot
of fun. I love you, too. I love you, too.
And I have also imposed a 25% tariff on foreign
aluminum, copper, lumber and steel, because, if we don't have, as an example,
steel and lots of other things, we don't have a military, and frankly, we just
won't have a country very long.
Here today is a proud American steel worker, fantastic person from Decatur, Alabama.
Jeff Denard has been working at the same steel plant for 27 years in a job
that has allowed him to serve as the captain of his local volunteer fire
department, raise seven children with his beautiful wife, Nicole, and over the
years, provide a loving home for more than 40 foster children. So great job.
Thank you, Jeff. Stories like Jeff's remind us
that tariffs are not just about protecting American jobs, they're about
protecting the soul of our country. Tariffs are about making America rich again
and making America great again. And it's happening, and it will happen rather
quickly. There'll be a little
disturbance. We're okay with that. It won't be much.
Economists aren’t so sure the disturbance will
be so “little” from these tariffs. They could impact everyday Americans to the
tune of $1,200 per year, and that’s before the reciprocal tariffs Trump
promised in this speech.
And look, and look where Biden took us. Very
low, the lowest we've ever been. Jeff, I want to thank you very much. And I
also want to recognize another person who has devoted herself to foster care,
community. She works so hard on it. You're a very loving person, our
magnificent first lady of the United States.
Melania's work has yielded incredible results,
helping prepare our nation's future leaders as they enter the workforce. Our
first lady is joined by two impressive young women, very impressive: Haley
Ferguson, who benefited from the first lady's Fostering the Future initiative,
and is poised to complete her education and become a teacher; and Elliston
Berry, who became a victim of an illicit deepfake image produced by a peer.
With Elliston's help, the Senate just passed the Take It Down Act, and — this
is so important. Thank you very much, John Thune. Thank you, John. Thank you
all very much.
And thank you to John Thune and the Senate,
great job, to criminalize the publication of such images online — just a
terrible, terrible thing — and once it passes the House, I look forward to
signing that bill into law. Thank you. And I'm going to use that bill for
myself, too, if you don't mind. Because nobody gets treated worse than I do
online. Nobody.
That's great. Thank you very much to the
Senate. Thank you.
But if we truly care about protecting
Americans' children, no step is more crucial than securing America's borders.
Over the past four years, 21 million people poured into the United States. Many
of them were murderers, human traffickers, gang members and other criminals
from the streets of dangerous cities all throughout the world. Because of Joe
Biden's insane and very dangerous open border policies, they are now strongly
embedded in our country, but we are
getting them out and getting them out fast.
It’s surprising that Trump waited this long
into the speech to talk about his deportation efforts. His administration has
struggled to work as fast as Trump would like. In fact, the pace of deportation
flights so far has not been much different from that under Biden in 2024,
according to data analyzed by CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez and Renée Rigdon.
And I want to thank Tom Homan, and Kristi, I
want to thank you. And Paul of Border Patrol, I want to thank you. What a job
they've all done. Everybody, Border Patrol, ICE. Well, law enforcement in
general is incredible. We have to take care of our law enforcement.
Last year, a brilliant 22-year-old nursing
student named Laken Riley — the best in her class, admired by everybody — went
out for a jog on the campus of the University of Georgia. That morning, Laken
was viciously attacked, assaulted, beaten, brutalized and horrifically
murdered. Laken was stolen from us by a
savage illegal alien gang member who was arrested while trespassing across
Biden's open southern border, and then sent loose into the United States under
the heartless policies of that failed administration — it was indeed a failed
administration. He had then been arrested and released in a Democrat run
sanctuary city — a disaster — before ending the life of this beautiful young
angel. With us this evening, are Laken's beloved mother, Allyson, and her
sister, Lauren.
Riley’s death was a major campaign issue for
Republicans, and passing the Laken Riley Act, which requires certain migrants
to be detained when accused of a crime, was a major victory for Trump and
Last year, I told Laken's grieving parents that
we would ensure their daughter would not have died in vain. That's why the very
first bill I signed into law as your 47th president mandates the detention of
all dangerous criminal aliens who threaten public safety. It's very strong,
powerful act.
It's called the Laken Riley Act, so Allyson and
Lauren, America will never ever forget our beautiful Laken Hope Riley.
Thank you very much.
Since taking office, my administration has
launched the most sweeping border and immigration crackdown in American
history, and we quickly achieved the lowest numbers of illegal border crossers
ever recorded. Thank you.
The media and our friends in the Democrat party
kept saying, "We needed new legislation. We must have legislation to
secure the border," but it turned out that all we really needed was a new
Joe Biden didn't just open our borders. He flew
illegal aliens over them to overwhelm our schools, hospitals and communities
throughout the country. Entire towns like Aurora, Colorado, and Springfield, Ohio, buckled under the
weight of the migrant occupation and corruption, like nobody's ever seen before
— beautiful towns destroyed. Now, just as I promised in my inaugural address,
we are achieving the great liberation of America.
Springfield is the place where Trump and Vance
falsely insisted Haitian refugees were eating dogs and cats. It wasn’t true.
But there still is much work to be done. Here
tonight is a woman I have gotten to know, Alexis Nungaray, from Houston.
Wonderful woman. Last year, Alexis' 12-year-old daughter, her precious Jocelyn,
walked to a nearby convenience store. She was kidnapped, tied up, assaulted for
two hours under a bridge and horrifically murdered. Arrested and charged with
this heinous crime are two illegal alien monsters from Venezuela, released into
America by the last administration through their ridiculous open border. The death of this beautiful 12-year-old
girl and the agony of her mother and family touched our entire nation greatly.
Jocelyn Nungaray’s death was also a campaign
Alexis, I promised that we would always
remember your daughter, your magnificent daughter. Earlier tonight, I signed an
order keeping my word to you. One thing I have learned about Jocelyn is that
she loved animals so much — she loved nature. Across Galveston Bay from where
Jocelyn lived in Houston, you will find a magnificent National Wildlife Refuge;
a pristine, peaceful, 34,000-acre sanctuary for all of God's creatures, on the
edge of the Gulf of America. Alexis, moments ago, I formally renamed that
refuge in loving memory of your beautiful daughter, Jocelyn. So Mr. Vice President, if you would, may I
have the order? Thank you very much.
Trump’s signing of an order during the joint
address to Congress seems like it must be a first.
All three savages charged with Jocelyn and
Laken's murders were members of the Venezuelan prison gang — the toughest gang,
they say, in the world — known as Tren de Aragua. Two weeks ago, I officially
designated this gang, along with MS-13 and the bloodthirsty Mexican drug
cartels, as foreign terrorist organizations.
They are now officially in the same category as
ISIS, and that's not good for them.
Countless thousands of these terrorists were
welcomed into the US by the Biden administration, but now every last one will
be rounded up and forcibly removed from our country, or if they're too
dangerous, put in jails standing trial in this country because we don't want
them to come back ever.
With us this evening is a warrior on the front
lines of that battle, Border Patrol agent Roberto Ortiz — great guy. In
January, Roberto and another agent were patrolling by the Rio Grande, near an
area known as Cartel Island — doesn't sound too nice to me — when heavily armed
gunmen started shooting at them. Roberto saw that his partner was totally
exposed, in great danger and he leapt
into action, returning fire and and providing crucial seconds for his fellow
agent to seek safety — and just barely. I have some of the prints of that
event, and it was not good. Agent Ortiz, we salute you for your great courage
and for your line of fire that you took and for the bravery that you showed, we
honor you and we will always honor you. Thank you, Roberto, very much.
There was a major standing ovation for Ortiz,
who teared up.
And I actually got to know him on my many calls
to the border. He's a great, great gentleman. The territory to the immediate
south of our border is now dominated entirely by criminal cartels that murder,
rape, torture and exercise total control. They have total control over a whole
nation, posing a great threat to our national security. The cartels are waging
war on America, and it's time for America to wage war on the cartels, which we
are doing.
Five nights ago, Mexican authorities, because
of our tariff policies being imposed on them — think of this — handed over to
us, 29 of the biggest cartel leaders in their country. That has never happened
before. They want to make us happy. First time ever.
But we need Mexico and Canada to do much more
than they've done. They have to stop the
fentanyl and drugs pouring into the USA. They're going to stop it.
Trump has overstated the amount of fentanyl
coming into the US from Canada. It is a fraction of what authorities seize.
I have sent Congress a detailed funding request
laying out exactly how we will eliminate these threats to protect our homeland
and complete the largest deportation operation in American history — larger
even than current record-holder President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, a moderate man, but someone who believed very strongly in
Trump is referring to Eisenhower’s horribly
named “Operation Wetback.”
Americans expect Congress to send me this
funding without delay so I can sign it into law. So Mr. Speaker, John Thune, both of you, I hope you're going to be able
to do that. Mr. Speaker, thank you. Mr. Leader, thank you. Thank you very
much. And let's get it to me, I'll sign it so fast, you won't even believe it.
Republicans will have to coalesce around a
government spending bill to deliver this funding to Trump. They have an
extremely small majority in the House and Democrats are unlikely to help them.
And as we reclaim our sovereignty, we must also
bring back law and order to our cities and towns. In recent years our justice
system has been turned upside down by radical left lunatics. Many jurisdictions
virtually seized, enforcing the law against dangerous repeat offenders while
weaponizing law enforcement against political opponents like me. My
administration has acted swiftly and decisively to restore fair, equal and
impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law, starting at the FBI and
the DOJ. Pam, good luck. Kash, wherever
you may be, good luck. Good luck.
Trump’s first-term FBI Director, Chris Wray,
had years left on his 10-year term, but Trump made clear he wanted Patel for
the job. Patel, a conspiracy theorist, was among Trump’s more controversial
They've already started very strong. They're
going to do a fantastic job. You're going to be very proud of them. We're also,
once again, giving our police officers
the support, protection and respect they so dearly deserve — they have to
get it. They have such a hard, dangerous job, but we're going to make it less
dangerous. The problem is, the bad guys don't respect the law, but they're
starting to respect it, and they soon will respect it.
Republicans generally support police, but
Trump’s pardon of January 6 rioters who attacked Capitol Police complicates
This also includes our great fire departments
throughout the country. Our firemen and women are unbelievable people, and
we'll never forget them. And besides that, they voted for me in record numbers
so I have no choice.
One year ago this month, 31-year-old New York
police officer Jonathan Diller — unbelievably wonderful person and a great
officer — was gunned down at a traffic stop on Long Island. I went to this
funeral. The vicious criminal charged with his murder had 21 prior arrests, and
they were rough arrests, he was a real bad one. The thug in the seat next to
him had 14 prior arrests and went by the name of Killer. He was Killer. He killed
other people, they say, a lot of them. I attended officer Diller's service, and
when I met his wife and 1-year-old son, Ryan, it was very inspirational,
actually. His widow's name is Stephanie, and she is here tonight. Stephanie,
thank you very much, Stephanie.
Stephanie, we're going to make sure that Ryan
knows his dad was a true hero, New York's finest, and we're going to get these
cold-blooded killers and repeat offenders off our streets, and we're going to
do it fast. Got to stop it. They get out with 28 arrests. They push people into
subway trains. They hit people over the head — back of the head — with baseball
bats. We got to get them out of here. I've already signed an executive order
requiring a mandatory death penalty for anyone who murders a police officer,
and tonight I'm asking Congress to pass that policy into permanent law.
I'm also asking for a new crime bill, getting
tough on repeat offenders while enhancing protections for America's police
officers so they can do their jobs without fear of their lives being totally
destroyed. They don't want to be killed. We're not going to let them be killed.
Joining us at the gallery tonight is a young
man who truly loves our police. His name is DJ Daniel, he is 13 years old, and he has always dreamed of becoming a
police officer.
DJ was dressed in a police uniform and was held
up to applause.
But in 2018, DJ was diagnosed with brain
cancer. The doctors gave him five months, at most, to live. That was more than
six years ago. Since that time, DJ and his dad have been on a quest to make his
dream come true, and DJ has been sworn in as an honorary law enforcement
officer — actually a number of times. Peace. The police love him. The police
departments love them. And tonight, DJ, we're going to do you the biggest honor
of them all. I am asking our new Secret Service director, Sean Curran, to officially make you an agent of the United
States Secret Service.
It was a touching moment when DJ hugged the
Secret Service director. Trump has elevated the showmanship associated with
guests at these presidential addresses.
Thank you, DJ. DJ's doctors believe his cancer
likely came from a chemical he was exposed to when he was younger. Since 1975,
rates of child cancer have increased by more than 40 percent. Reversing this trend
is one of the top priorities for our new Presidential Commission to Make
America Healthy Again, chaired by our new secretary of health and human
services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
With the name Kennedy, you would have thought
everybody over here would have been cheering. How quickly they forget.
Our goal is to get toxins out of our
environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and
strong. As an example, not long ago — and you can't even believe these numbers
— one in 10,000 children had autism, one in 10,000, and now it's one in 36.
There's something wrong — one in 36, think of that — so we're going to find out
what it is. And there's nobody better
than Bobby and all of the people that are working with you, you have the best,
to figure out what is going on. Okay, Bobby? Good luck. It's a very
important job. Thank you.
Kennedy, of course, has questioned whether
vaccines are to blame, although that theory has been debunked. As HHS
secretary, he has said he wants to see more evidence about vaccines. Trump’s
portrayal of the rise in autism rates is also distorted.
My administration is also working to protect
our children from toxic ideologies in our schools. A few years ago, January
Littlejohn and her husband discovered that their daughter's school had secretly
socially transitioned their 13-year-old little girl. Teachers and
administrators conspired to deceive January and her husband, while encouraging
her daughter to use a new name and pronouns — they/them pronouns actually — all
without telling January, who is here tonight and is now a courageous advocate
against this form of child abuse. January, thank you.
Stories like this are why, shortly after taking
office, I signed an executive order banning public schools from indoctrinating
our children with transgender ideology.
I also signed an order to cut off all taxpayer
funding to any institution that engages in the sexual mutilation of our youth.
And now I
want Congress to pass a bill permanently banning and criminalizing sex changes on
children, and forever ending the lie that any child is trapped in the wrong
body. This is a big lie.
This type of law would likely not be able to
pass through the Senate as long as the filibuster exists.
And our message to every child in America is
that you are perfect, exactly the way God made you.
Because we're
getting wokeness out of our schools and out of our military, and it's
already out, and it's out of our society. We don't want it. Wokeness is
troubled. Wokeness is bad. It's gone.
It's gone. And we feel so much better for it, don't we? Don't we feel
As Trump says “wokeness” is gone from the
military, the camera panned to top generals, all of whom are now White men.
Our service members won't be activists and
ideologues. They will be fighters and warriors. They will fight for our
country. And Pete, congratulations. Secretary of defense, congratulations. And
he's not big into the woke movement, I can tell you. I know him well.
I am pleased to report that in January, the US
Army had its single best recruiting month in 15 years, and that all armed
services are having among the best recruiting results ever in the history of
our services. What a difference.
And you know it was just a few months ago,
where the results were exactly the opposite; we couldn't recruit anywhere. We
couldn't recruit. Now having the best results just about that we've ever had,
what a tremendous turnaround. It's really a beautiful thing to see people love
our country again. It's very simple. They love our country and they love being
in our military again. So it's a great thing. And thank you very much. Great
We're joined tonight by a young man, Jason
Hartley, who knows the weight of that call of duty. Jason's father, grandfather
and great-grandfather all wore the uniform. Jason tragically lost his dad, who
was also a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy, when he was just a boy, and now
he wants to carry on the family legacy of service. Jason is a senior in high
school, a six-letter varsity athlete — a really good athlete, they say; a
brilliant student with a 4.46 — that's good — GPA. And his greatest dream is to
attend the US Military Academy at West Point.
And Jason, that's a very big deal getting in,
that's a hard one to get into, but I'm pleased to inform you that your application
has been accepted. You will soon be joining the Corps of Cadets.
Jason, you're going to be on the long gray
line, Jason. As commander in chief, my focus is on building the most powerful
military of the future. As a first step, I'm asking Congress to fund a
state-of-the-art golden dome missile defense shield to protect our homeland,
all made in the USA.
Ronald Reagan wanted to do it long ago, but the
technology just wasn't there, not even close. But now we have the technology.
It's incredible, actually. And other places, they have it. Israel has it, other places have it. And the United States should have
it, too, right? Tim, right? They should have it too. So I want to thank you
— but it's a very, very important — this is a very dangerous world, we should
have it. We want to be protected and we're going to protect our citizens like
never before.
One major difference between Israel and the US
is size. CNN recently reported on the effort to make a missile defense shield
over Guam, which is facing obstacles.
To boost our defense-industrial base, we are
also going to resurrect the American shipbuilding industry, including
commercial shipbuilding and military shipbuilding.
And for that purpose, I am announcing tonight
that we will create a new office of shipbuilding in the White House and offer
special tax incentives to bring this industry home to America, where it
belongs. We used to make so many ships. We don't make them anymore very much,
but we're going to make them very fast, very soon. It will have a huge impact.
To further enhance our national security, my administration will be reclaiming
the Panama Canal, and we've already started doing it.
Just today, a large American company announced they are buying both ports around
the Panama Canal and lots of other things having to do with the Panama
Canal and a couple of other canals.
BlackRock is the company buying ports on either
side of the canal from Hong Kong.
The Panama Canal was built by Americans for
Americans, not for others, but others could use it. But it was built at
tremendous cost of American blood and treasure — 38,000 workers died building the Panama canal. They died of
malaria. They died of snake bites and mosquitoes — not a nice place to work.
They paid them very highly to go there, knowing there was a 25 percent chance
that they would die. The most expensive project also that was ever built in our
country's history, if you bring it up to modern-day costs.
From CNN’s Daniel Dale: Trump repeated his
false claim that 38,000 Americans died during the building of the Panama Canal.
That figure is not even close to true, experts on the canal’s construction say.
It was given away by the Carter administration
for $1. But that agreement has been violated very severely. We didn't give it
to China. We gave it to Panama, and we're taking it back.
And we have Marco Rubio in charge. Good luck,
Marco. Now we know who to blame if anything goes wrong. Now, Marco has been
amazing and he's going to do a great job. Think of it — he got 100 votes. You
know, he was approved with actually 99, but the 100th was this gentleman — and
I feel very certain — so let's assume he got 100 votes. And I'm either very,
very happy about that or I'm very concerned about it. But he's already proven —
I mean, he's a great gentleman. He's respected by everybody. And we appreciate
your voting for Marco. He's going to do a fantastic job.
Thank you. Thank you. He's doing a great job.
Great job.
And I
also have a message tonight for the incredible people of Greenland. We
strongly support your right to determine your own future. And if you choose, we
welcome you into the United States of America. We need Greenland for national
security and even international security. And we're working with everybody
involved to try and get it.
If Trump obtains Greenland and the Panama
Canal, it will signal a new period of American expansion, something that has
not occurred since the early 20th century.
But we need it really for international world
security. And I think we're going to get it. One way or the other, we're going
to get it. We will keep you safe. We will make you rich, and together we will
take Greenland to heights like you have never thought possible before. It's a
very small population, but a very, very large piece of land and very, very
important for military security.
America is once again standing strong against
the forces of radical Islamic terrorism. Three and a half years ago, ISIS
terrorists killed 13 American service members and countless others in the Abbey
Gate bombing during the disastrous and incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Not that they were withdrawing, it was the way they withdrew. Perhaps the most
embarrassing moment in the history of our country.
Tonight, I am pleased to announce that we have
just apprehended the top terrorist responsible for that atrocity, and he is
right now on his way here to face the swift sword of American justice.
And I want to thank especially the government
of Pakistan for helping arrest this monster. This was a very momentous day for
those 13 families, who I actually got to know very well, most of them, whose
children were murdered and the many people that were so badly — over 42 people
so badly injured on that fateful day in Afghanistan. What a horrible day. Such
incompetence was shown that when Putin saw what happened, I guess he said,
"Wow, maybe this is my chance."" That's how bad it was. Should
have never happened. Grossly incompetent people.
I spoke to many of the parents and loved ones
and they're all in our hearts tonight. Just spoke to them on the phone. We had
a big call. Every one of them called and everybody was on the line and they did
nothing but cry with happiness. They were very happy. As happy as you can be
under those circumstances. Their child, brother, sister, son, daughter, was killed
for no reason whatsoever.
In the Middle East we're bringing back our
hostages from Gaza. In my first term, we achieved one of the most
groundbreaking peace agreements in generations, the Abraham Accords. And now we're going to build on that foundation to
create a more peaceful and prosperous future for the entire region.
Interestingly, Trump did not mention his
controversial and seriously out-of-the-box idea to displace Palestinians and
turn Gaza into a sort of Riviera.
A lot of things are happening in the Middle
East. People haven’t been talking about that so much lately, with everything
going on, with Ukraine and Russia. But a lot of things are happening in the
Middle East — it's a rough neighborhood, actually.
I'm also working tirelessly to end the savage
conflict in Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians and Russians have been needlessly
killed or wounded in this horrific and brutal conflict, with no end in sight.
The United States has sent hundreds of billions of dollars to support Ukraine's
defense, with no security, with no energy.
Do you want to keep it going for another five
years? Yeah, yeah, you would say — Pocahontas
says "yes."
“Pocahontas” is Trump’s insulting nickname for
Sen. Elizabeth Warren. She applauded at his comment.
Two thousand people are being killed every
single week — more than that. They're Russian young people, they're Ukrainian
young people. They're not Americans, but I want it to stop. Meanwhile, Europe
has sadly spent more money buying Russian oil and gas than they have spent on defending
Ukraine, by far. Think of that. They've spent more buying Russian oil and gas
than they have defending. And we've
spent perhaps $350 billion, like taking candy from a baby, that's what
happened. And they've spent $100 billion. What a difference that is. And we
have an ocean separating us. And they don't. But we're getting along very well
with them, and lots of good things are happening.
Trump keeps using the $350 billion figure, but
the US has actually spent much less than that. Also, the US has spent less than
Europe, according to the Kiel Institute, which has tracked Ukraine aid.
Biden has authorized more money in this fight
than Europe has spent by billions and billions of dollars. It's hard to believe
that they wouldn't have stopped it and said at some point, come on, let's
equalize. You got to be equal to us. But that didn't happen.
Earlier today, I received an important letter from President Zelensky
of Ukraine.
The letter reads, "Ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as
soon as possible to bring lasting peace closer." "Nobody wants peace
more than the Ukrainians," he said. "My team and I stand ready to
work under President Trump's strong leadership to get a peace that lasts. We do
really value how much America has done to help Ukraine maintain its sovereignty
and independence. Regarding the agreement on minerals and security, Ukraine is
ready to sign it at any time that is convenient for you."
Trump yelled at Zelensky in the Oval Office
less than a week ago; this week, he paused US military aid to Ukraine. Trump
has clearly pivoted toward Russia and away from Europe, but news of Zelensky’s
letter is a major development.
I appreciate that he sent this letter, just got
it a little while ago. Simultaneously, we've had serious discussions with
Russia and have received strong signals that they are ready for peace. Wouldn't
that be beautiful? Wouldn't that be beautiful?
It's time to stop this madness. It's time to
halt the killing. It's time to end this senseless war. If you want to end wars,
you have to talk to both sides.
Nearly four years ago, amid rising tensions, a
history teacher named Marc Fogel was
detained in Russia and sentenced to 14 years in a penal colony. Rough
The US released a Russian money launderer in
exchange for Fogel.
The previous administration barely lifted a finger to help him. They
knew he was innocent, but they had no idea where to begin. But last summer I
promised his 95-year-old mother, Malphine, that we would bring her boy safely
back home. After 22 days in office, I did just that, and they are here tonight.
To Marc and his great mom, we are delighted to have you safe and sound
and with us.
As fate would have it, Marc Fogel was born in a small rural town — in
Butler, Pennsylvania. Have you heard of it? Where his mother has lived for the
past 78 years. I just happened to go there last July 13th for a rally. That was
not pleasant.
And that is where I met his beautiful mom right before I walked onto
that stage.
And I told her I would not forget what she said about her son. And I
never did, did I? Never forgot.
Less than 10 minutes later, at that same rally, gunfire rang out and a
sick and deranged assassin unloaded eight bullets from his sniper's perch into
a crowd of many thousands of people.
My life was saved by a fraction of an inch, but some were not so lucky.
Corey Comperatore was a firefighter, a veteran, a Christian, a husband,
a devoted father, and above all, a protector.
When the sound of gunshots pierced the air, it was a horrible sound.
Corey knew instantly what it was and what to do. He threw himself on top of his
wife and daughters and shielded them from the bullets with his own body.
Corey was hit really hard. You know the story from there. He sacrificed
his life to save theirs. Two others, very fine people, were also seriously hit,
but thankfully, with the help of two great country doctors — we thought they
were gone, and they were saved, so those doctors had great talent — we’re
joined by Corey's wife, Helen, who was his high school sweetheart, and their
two beloved daughters, Allyson and Kaylee.
Thank you.
To Helen, Allyson and Kaylee, Corey is looking down on his three
beautiful ladies right now and he is cheering you on. He loves you. He is
cheering you on. Corey was taken from us much too soon, but his destiny was to
leave us all with a shining example of the selfless devotion of a true American
It was love like Corey's that built our country, and it’s love like
Corey's that is going to make our country more majestic than ever before. I believe
that my life was saved that day in Butler for a very good reason. I was saved by God to make America great
again. I believe that.
Many of his supporters agree that he survived
through divine intervention.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
From the patriots of Lexington and Concord to the heroes of Gettysburg
and Normandy; from the warriors who crossed the Delaware to the trailblazers
who climbed the Rockies; and from the legends who soared at Kitty Hawk to the
astronauts who touched the moon, Americans
have always been the people who defied all odds, transcended all dangers, made
the most extraordinary sacrifices, and did whatever it took to defend our
children, our country, and our freedom.
And as we have seen in this chamber tonight, that same strength, faith,
love and spirit is still alive and thriving in the hearts of the American
Trump veers away from the insults, division and
campaign speech language he dished out earlier in the speech to end on an
inspiring note.
Despite the best efforts of those who would try
to censor us, silence us, break us, destroy us, Americans are today a proud,
free, sovereign and independent nation that will always be free, and we will
fight for it till death.
We will never let anything happen to our
beloved country because we are a country of doers, dreamers, fighters and
Our ancestors crossed a vast ocean, strode into
the unknown wilderness, and carved their fortunes from the rock and soil of a
perilous and very dangerous frontier.
They chased our destiny across a boundless
They built the railroads, laid the highways,
and graced the world with American marvels like the Empire State Building, the
mighty Hoover Dam, and the towering Golden Gate Bridge.
They lit the world with electricity, broke free
of the force of gravity, fired up the engines of American industry, vanquished
the communists, fascists and Marxists all over the world, and gave us countless
modern wonders sculpted out of iron, glass and steel.
We stand on the shoulders of these pioneers who
won and built the modern age.
These workers who poured their sweat into the
skylines of our cities.
These warriors who shed their blood on fields
of battle and gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom.
Now it is our time to take up the righteous
cause of American liberty. And it is our turn to take America's destiny into
our own hands and begin the most thrilling days in the history of our country.
This will be our greatest era. With God's help
over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher.
And we are going to forge the freest, most
advanced, most dynamic and most dominant civilization ever to exist on the face
of this Earth.
We are going to create the highest quality of
life, build the safest and wealthiest and healthiest and most vital communities
anywhere in the world.
We are going to conquer the vast frontiers of
science, and we are going to lead humanity into space and plant the American flag on the planet Mars, and even far beyond.
When he said Mars, there was a yell of
approval. Elon Musk? Trump’s first term was marked by an effort to return to
the moon. Musk would prefer to focus on Mars.
And through it all, we are going to rediscover
the unstoppable power of the American spirit. And we are going to renew
unlimited promise of the American dream. Every single day we will stand up and
we will fight, fight, fight for the country our citizens believe in, and for
the country our people deserve.
My fellow Americans, get ready for an incredible
future because the golden age of America has only just begun.
It will be like nothing that has ever been seen
before. Thank you. God bless you and God bless America.
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